
Friday, July 31, 2020


This week we have been learning lots of ways we can achieve goals.
We started off with learning about James Clear and what his central question is.
Using his website we found that his main question is "How can we live better?"
James Clear is an author, but not just any author.
His work is to read and find information then take the
important parts to make easy to read and understand articles.

James Clear suggests four simple things to train your brain and improve your mental toughness:
Start incredibly small - Make the habits you want to master so easy you can't say no.
Improve one thing, by one percent - Do it again tomorrow.
Use the Seinfeld Strategy - Maintain consistency.

Using those links we learnt about all four of those topics.
But I chose to blog about the Seinfeld strategy...

I think that this strategy is helpful since you can see if you are achieving your goal.
Also for a lot of people it might be helpful being able to cross off each day and feel successful.
Would you try this strategy? Do you think it would work? Do you think you could go for a month without breaking the chain?
Until next time...

Friday, July 24, 2020

The final Matariki challenge...

I have now finished the 5th and final Matariki activity.
For this we had to do a scavenger hunt on our class website.
All around it were 9 facts that we had to find and write down on a sheet of paper with the questions that we had to find the answers.
Then we had to make a quiz using those questions.
Here's the link to the kahoot I made (hopefully it works): LINK

On the Kahoot I put all the questions and the answers I found.
Here is the sheet of answers I did...

It is a bit blurry, but it is what I found.
I found that this was really fun but it was hard to find the first and fifth answer.
If you want to learn some new things about it I suggest the kahoot because what I learnt was helpful and new.
Do you want to try this? Will you try the Kahoot? Did you know any of this?
Well until next time...

Matariki fractions....

I have done another Matariki activity, this one was called "Matariki Maths".
For it we did a colour by number star, but instead of just one number it is a fraction.
At the top there is a key that shows simple fractions and their colour.
So we had to simplify the fractions on the star to find out what colour it is.
There was a easy star, a medium star and a hard star.
I did the easy one and the hard one.

Easy fractions key:

Hard fractions key:

I didn't find it too hard once I got the first few fractions done.
Here is the two completed stars that I did:

That was my completed work.
I think that the easier star looks better since there is less boxes so the colours are more vibrant.
Overall I think that this was helpful to learn how to solve any fraction.
But I don't know if I got it right yet but I think I got it mostly right.
For the easy one I just did the colours in order but for the hard one I chose one fraction at a time to solve and colour in.
This is the link to the place I got the stars on.
Do you like fractions? What star do you like better? Would you want to try it?
Until next time...

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Marshmallows.... at school?

This week is the first week of term 3.
We have done lots of fun things already but I chose to blog about a challenge we did.
It is called the marshmallow challenge where we have to build a tower using:
- 20 hard spaghetti sticks
- 1 marshmallow
- 1 metre of tape
- 1 metre of string
The one thing we had to do was make sure the marshmallow is on top since the top of the marshmallow is how high the tower gets measured.

The purpose of this challenge was to improve teamwork.
I was in a group with Mia, Nikita and Grace.
Together we thought of a plan of how to make sure it's secure and doesn't fall.
Once we had a plan we started building.
Here are some pictures of the process and the final measurement.

Our groups final measurement was 51.5 centimeters.
I think that this was a very fun team challenge to do.
We learnt some new things about towers and how to make it so everyone gets something to do.
Would you try this challenge? How high could you get it? Have you tried it before?
After we did the challenge we saw a video of lots of adults doing it and learnt that really young kids do the best since they do more then one try at it.
Until next time...

Matariki kites....

Last term we started doing Matariki work.
I have now finished the third activity called: Matariki kites.
For this activity we had to read this text: LINK
Then answer or do what is in this: LINK
For the questions we had to put them all together in a presentation.
Here is my work...

That was the slide, I hope you liked it.
For the last questions I didn't write them in since they are very long, but the link for the PDF we used has all the questions.
I found that this was very interesting to learn about.
I learnt lots of new things and I found that kites have existed for a very long time.
If you have time try reading the text to find out some other interesting information.
Do you have a kite? Do you want a kite? Did you know any of this?
Until next time...

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The 9 stars

Like I said in my last blog post; this week we are doing Matariki work.
I have just finished doing the second activity called: The nine stars of Matariki.
For this we had some reading to do and a document of all 9 stars and what they mean.
I decorated them and tried to match what it said.
I think that they mostly match, but some of the meanings were similar to the other stars.
I tried to make them all different but it is a bit blurry and doesn't really show the colours very well.
I hope you enjoy the stars, here they are...

There it was, hopefully it is easy enough to see.
Here is the link for the stars we used: LINK
Here is the link for the text we read: (They say the exact same) LINK
What one do you like the most? What would you have done? Would you want to learn about them?
Comment what you think and maybe some feedback on this.
Until next time...

The celebration of...

This week my class is working on Matariki.
We have a matrix of 5 different activities we have to do.
The first activity is called: The Celebration of Matariki.
For this we had to read a piece of information, fill out a worksheet then make a DLO on 5 things we learnt from the text.
Here it is...

I found some parts of this interesting to learn about from the first text so I'm excited to move onto the next one.
Did you learn anything new? Did you know any of this? What did you find interesting?
I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learnt something new, comment some feedback for the next activities I do if you want.
Here is the story we used (hopefully it works): LINK
Until next time...