
Friday, December 7, 2018

Help the animals, Inquiry, Waste not Want not.

This is for our inquiry work that I didn't post with my inquiry work for waste not want not. This slide is what we will show with the poster. This slide is filled with facts about animals and OUR trash. I hope you like my post and feel free to comment on my work.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Summer Learning Journy Prep, Activity.

Today we are doing a Summer Learning Journy Prep activity. We are doing this activity on Monday. For this activity we had to choose a country out of ten and make a post using two facts and why I want to visit it, I chose Malaysia. We also had to awnser some questions that I put in 2-6. 1. Did you know that one of their national icons is a tiger. 2. Did you know that in Malaysia there are around 27 million people. 3. The languages that are most spoken in Malaysia are Bahasa Malaysia and some of the people speak English. 4. Kuala Lumpur is located in the southern part of Malaysia. 5. In janury the weather in Kuala Lumper is 27°C. 6. he name of Malaysia's capital city is Kuala Lumpur. I would want to visit it because it is warm and beacuase there is a tiger as one of the national icons. Tigers are my favorite animals. 

These are the links of where I got the facts from. 

It is now Wedensday and we are doing the second part of the post. For this one we had to watch two air new zealand videos and choose which one I like more. The choices were either Men in black safety video or the worlds coolest safety video. The one I like better is the Men in black safety video. Also for this post we had to choose 3 safety tips. 1. If you need air get the air thing from above, put the strap over your head, put the cup like part over your mouth and nose then breath. 2. If a problem is going to take place and there is a seat in front of you, put your head onto the seat and put your feet flat on the floor and hold them.  3. If you have to abandon the aircraft grab the packet that is under your seat, pull back the seal and take the life jacket out, put it over your head and look for the closest exit, once you are out of the aircraft inflat your life jacket and you will be safe.

It is still Wednesday and I am on the third activity. For this activity I have to find out the weather for the capital city and make a list on what I have to pack. The weather would be from 24C - 32C. This is what I have to pack: T-shirts, Long pants, Shorts, Scocks, Togs, Towels, Goggles, Jackets, Shoes, Tooth brush, Tooth paste, Underwear, Books, Chromebook, Chromebook Charger, Headphones, Chromebook case, I-pad, I-pad charger. That would probaly be all I would need.

Thank you for looking at my blog and feel free to check back on my blog to see more posts.

Pet Day, The Pet Part

For the time that the pets were at school I walked around with my dog Maggie and with Maddie and her dog Rozie. Maggie was easy to see becuase I made her tail blue and when I was doing the activitys I could see her arriving.

This is us with Rebbecas dog Jimmy

These are the sheep photos, before the sheep was sheared during and after the sheep was sheared. Firstly, they took the sheep out of the pen by draging it on its back. Secondly, they sheared the tummy parts that arn't good for wool. Thirdly, they sheared the rest of the body and then put the sheep back in the pen. I was used to seeing this becuase My dad has sheep and I usally watch him shear them.

My dog is the one on the left and Maddies dog is on the right.
Maggie didn't like having photos taken of her.

This is Bridget's horse Carly, We took our dogs over to the horse area and Maggie really wanted to go in with Carly. When we left the horses Maggie barked. After awhile the horses rode around the main arena, as the teachers called it, and barked at the horses as soon as they came close. Thank you for looking at my blog and feel free to comment on this post. Also do you have any pets?