
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Kauri news

We have been learning what the news is like. We then made our own YMS TV news show called Kauri News.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sherbet Fizz

What your group needs

1 cup of icing sugar
1 teaspoon of citric acid
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of tartaric acid
2 tablespoons of Raro

What to do

  1. Place icing sugar in your bowl- Taste a little
  2. Taste the Raro. Mix in with the icing sugar- Taste the new mixture
  3. Taste the baking soda. Mix with the rest - Taste the new mixture
  4. Taste the citric acid. Mix with the rest
5.Taste the tartaric acid. Mix with the rest.- Taste the new mixture

Name :    Abby

Self assessment

I think that I am a good writer.


I am very good with punctuation.


My writing is interesting to read.


I use interesting words, different sentence starters and add detail to my writing.


I work hard to make my writing the best that it can be.



Red Hat thinking – How do you FEEL about your writing? Why?

I feel really happy about my writeing

Because I really try to make my work really insresting and I love writeing

Yellow Hat thinking – What were the best about my writing?

The best things about my writing are I try to make them really insresting and fun to read and I see  people really want to  read it.

Green Hat thinking – What do I need to do to make my writing better?

To make my writing even better, I need to write more and more my goal is to write at least 4 pages or more.

hero slide pablo picasso

pablo picasso was really good at painting.

my cool classroom

My Cool Classroom
We had to move everything from Totara and Matai into Te Pihinga.  It was very exciting!

I like that it’s bigger.

I like it because there are two white boards connected to computers.

I like that we have the Cave (Te Ana) so we have a quiet space to work in.

I like having two teachers.

By Abby


Abby loves tigers and Bunnies(because my favorite song has a tiger in it. and because I have so many tigers.because i you's to have a pet bunny.)
Bunnies are amazing (because they have really soft fur and they are really good pets)
Brilliant Abby (Because i love reading and writing)
Yawning lots (because sometimes the dogs next door bark lots at night time)

Super cub
Tigers are amazing
Enthusiastic learner(because i love reading and writing)
Enthusiastic about tigers(because they are my favorite animals)
Loves lollies ( but mostly fruit bursts)
Eating chocolate cake( because I think it's the best flavored cake)        (YUMMY!)