
Wednesday, September 23, 2020



From the 2nd of September to the 4th we went to Arthurs Pass camp.

It was super fun and we did a lot of cool things.Although I didn't put the pictures of the search and rescue, the orienteering and sensory trail.

The Sensory trail was way too dark for photos but we had lots of fun. For it we were in the dark with no torches and had to hold and follow a rope through the forest. Then on the way back we were blindfolded and a buddy lead us through. The orienteering was fun and my group got most of the places we needed to go to. Then the search and rescue was fun to save Brian the dummy. But we were in two groups to rescue him on a stretcher then my group took Lucas (our classmate) back for fun.

Here is a slide filled with most of our memories from camp...

That was a couple of the photos from our camp.
Overall camp was a really fun experience and we learnt a lot of new things.
My favourite part would have been the sensory trail.
The most challenging part for me was the big hike up Bealey Spur.
Have you crossed a river before like that?
Have you been to or know anyone that has been to Arthurs Pass?
Would you try this camp?
I think if you have a chance it is great to go there and try everything.
Even if you are unsure at first give it a go and you might enjoy it.
Everyone in our class tried the river crossing so it was a good experience for everyone.
Until next time...

Thursday, September 17, 2020

How to use easily... - Student Summit

Today it was... STUDENT SUMMIT!!!
Student Summit is a place that we used to go to so we could share how to use different sites. This year we couldn't go there so it was online.
For each of the sessions there was a google meet for each site.
It was very fun but a bit tricky at first on the meets.
After some time it got a bit easier to work on the meets and follow the instructions without having the other students actually in person to help you.
For student summit we had a form to fill out yesterday to choose what workshops we wanted to go to, overall we got four.

Session 1: Suped-up slides with Pear Deck - This was really confusing for me. Firstly it was because everyone was still finding out how it is working and to mute themselves. Secondly no one really understood what was going on and we didn't know if we had to follow along. But it was really fun to watch their presentation. But I don't have anything to share since we didn't have enough time to make anything. Also I learnt that Pear Deck is a google slide add-on that is for your learning.

Session 2: YMS How to use easily - This was by Grace and I. One of the challenges we faced were probably not having enough time or having too many people on the meet so it made it really slow.
Everyone was listening though so that was good, except it is very hard to teach people without seeing their screens to know what is happening.
Grace was explaining everything and I was answering questions.
There weren't too many questions asked but lots of people had problems with getting on or not hearing the instructions.
Here is our slide that we shared on how to use


Session 3: GS Marvelous Miro - This was really fun to learn about since I haven't heard of it before. Since we ran out of time this is all I made...

I think that with more time I could get proper information and make it look a lot cooler.
But now that I know what it is and how to use it I might give it a go later on when I have more time.
The presentation was easy enough to follow apart from signing in but other then that it was really easy and worth the results.

Session 4: SHS Biteable - I do use biteable a lot so I decided that learning more about it would be fun. Although there were technical difficulties with the presenters so it took a long time to get everyone on and started. Because of that we didn't get any time to get to some new stuff that I don't know about. But I still like what I made. It is about penguins... again, but I thought it would just be easier to have the same information but presented in a different way. Here it is:

This is the link to all the amazing presentations: LINK.
I hope you enjoyed this very very longgggg blog post and learnt some maybe true facts about penguins or some new websites/add-ons.
Student Summit this year was super fun to do even if there were some challenges.
Also this year our whole class could attend but only three groups decided to present, they were: Grace and I, Mia & Nikita & Hana then Mykiala and Lucy.
Sadly I didn't get any YMS presentations apart from my own.
Did you know any of these sites or do you know of some other ones?
Did you attend the student summit or have you ever been to one?
Do you like penguins?
Until next time...